Poker Coach Help
Poker Training - Poker Coach Overview
Poker Coach Overview and Poker Fundamentals
The player will be provided an opportunity to ask for Advice when it's their turn to ack. Here is an overview of the Poker Coach Application and what the Poker Coach focuses on teaching.
Poker Training that is Fun
The Poker Coach allows players to play poker and have fun while learning. If you have a hard time learning from Poker Videos or Poker Books, the Poker Coach may be the Poker Training for you.
The Poker Coach allows players to play poker and have fun while learning. If you have a hard time learning from Poker Videos or Poker Books, the Poker Coach may be the Poker Training for you.
Skill Level
The Poker Coach is Targeted at those New to Online Poker or who need help with their Poker Fundamentals.
The Poker Coach is Targeted at those New to Online Poker or who need help with their Poker Fundamentals.
Starting Hand Selection
Which Starting Hands to Play. Players will learn to play applicable hands based on factors such as position, betting action, and blind stealing.
Which Starting Hands to Play. Players will learn to play applicable hands based on factors such as position, betting action, and blind stealing.
Continuation Betting (CBET)
Learn when to CBET, which is one of the most important and profitable concepts to learn.
Learn when to CBET, which is one of the most important and profitable concepts to learn.
3 Betting
When to 3 Bet and when not to. The Poker Coach will teach that the 3 Bet is one of the most powerful plays in poker, but needs to be used at the appropriate time.
When to 3 Bet and when not to. The Poker Coach will teach that the 3 Bet is one of the most powerful plays in poker, but needs to be used at the appropriate time.
Poker Outs and Odds
Learn to use Poker Math outs and odds which provides a guideline to how much your hand has the potential to improve on later streets.
Learn to use Poker Math outs and odds which provides a guideline to how much your hand has the potential to improve on later streets.
Playing Multiway
Learn strategies and dangers of playing in multiway pots.
Learn strategies and dangers of playing in multiway pots.
Blind Play
Learn some of the strategy adjustments required when Playing from the Blinds.
Learn some of the strategy adjustments required when Playing from the Blinds.
Blind Stealing
Learn when the best opportunities are to Steal the Blinds.
Learn when the best opportunities are to Steal the Blinds.
Playing Limped Pots
When to call or Avoid limped Pots.
When to call or Avoid limped Pots.
Punishing Limpers
When and how to Punish Limpers.
When and how to Punish Limpers.
Stats are targeted at important areas of the Fundamentals of Online Poker allowing the users to profile their games and improve.
Stats are targeted at important areas of the Fundamentals of Online Poker allowing the users to profile their games and improve.
Game Style
6-Max No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker.
6-Max No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker.
The Poker Coach Simulation
Based on our simulations, a player using The Poker Coach Advice for 10,000 hands would yield average winnings of 50,000 dollars versus the bots in this game. Due to poker variance and the general flow of the cards, with a smaller sample size, your results could vary widely. These results DO NOT imply you would win at the same rate versus live opponents. This tool is only intended to enforce the learning Fundamentals and help you get started.
Game Overview
Fast Forward after Fold
Fast Forward after Fold allows the user to quickly go to the end of the hand if they fold and any point in the hand. This feature can be optionally turned On and Off on the Start Page.
Fast Forward after Fold allows the user to quickly go to the end of the hand if they fold and any point in the hand. This feature can be optionally turned On and Off on the Start Page.
Ring Game Type
A Ring game is a non-tournament poker game that has no predetermined end. Players can enter and leave as they wish. The term Cash Game can also be used to describe a Ring Game.
A Ring game is a non-tournament poker game that has no predetermined end. Players can enter and leave as they wish. The term Cash Game can also be used to describe a Ring Game.
The Blinds are $5\$10. They do not increase like they do in a Tournament.
The Blinds are $5\$10. They do not increase like they do in a Tournament.
Learning Check Points
As part of our learning process, after every 100 Hands, users will be guided to review the standings and stats before sitting at a new table for another 100 hands with a new set of players all having new starting stacks.
As part of our learning process, after every 100 Hands, users will be guided to review the standings and stats before sitting at a new table for another 100 hands with a new set of players all having new starting stacks.
Winning - Rank Number 1
The Standings will show you how much you won or lost versus the other players. There is no end to the game so there is no winning the game, but players should strive to be number 1 in the standings. But you can choose to continue to build your lifetime bankroll for as long as you choose.
The Standings will show you how much you won or lost versus the other players. There is no end to the game so there is no winning the game, but players should strive to be number 1 in the standings. But you can choose to continue to build your lifetime bankroll for as long as you choose.
Standings Page
Standings are kept to rank your rank versus the other players. Standings are maintained indefinitely until you reset the stats.
Standings are kept to rank your rank versus the other players. Standings are maintained indefinitely until you reset the stats.
Hud Stats
At the end of each game, a report of key Hud Stats will be available. These stats are targeted at important areas of the Fundamentals of Online Poker allowing the users to profile their games and improve. Hud, which stands for Heads Up Display, is a tool most serious online players use. The stats on the HUD allow users to analyze their games. We have chosen the most important Hud stats to help players analyze and improve their game.
At the end of each game, a report of key Hud Stats will be available. These stats are targeted at important areas of the Fundamentals of Online Poker allowing the users to profile their games and improve. Hud, which stands for Heads Up Display, is a tool most serious online players use. The stats on the HUD allow users to analyze their games. We have chosen the most important Hud stats to help players analyze and improve their game.
Positional Report
The Positional Report is one of the most important reports a player can run. This report will allow the player to understand if they are leveraging their position to their advantage. Players should ideally be playing the most hands when they are in the best positions.
The Positional Report is one of the most important reports a player can run. This report will allow the player to understand if they are leveraging their position to their advantage. Players should ideally be playing the most hands when they are in the best positions.
Data Storage
All Stats are stored in your computer's local browser cache allowing you to close the browser or restart the computer and still maintain a history of all stats. Most, if not all, modern browsers support local cache. Note: If you clear your browser cache the Poker Game historical stats will also be cleared.
All Stats are stored in your computer's local browser cache allowing you to close the browser or restart the computer and still maintain a history of all stats. Most, if not all, modern browsers support local cache. Note: If you clear your browser cache the Poker Game historical stats will also be cleared.
Clearing Stats
Clearing the Stats will clear all stats and any current games from your local browser cache.
Clearing the Stats will clear all stats and any current games from your local browser cache.
Your Opponents - The Bots
Your opponents (bots) have a strategy they follow based on starting hand strength, position, board texture, bet sizing, and pot odds. Based on probability and mathematics the game should mimic an actual game against an opponent playing this style.
Your opponents (bots) have a strategy they follow based on starting hand strength, position, board texture, bet sizing, and pot odds. Based on probability and mathematics the game should mimic an actual game against an opponent playing this style.
Raises and the Raise Buttons
The Raise Buttons allow the users to have pre-defined raise sizes such as 1/2 pot and 3/4 pot. The ( + ) and ( - ) buttons add one big blind or remove one big blind from the size. All Texas Holdem bet sizing rules are enforced as per a real game. As per Texas Holdem rules, a raise amount must be at least as much as the previous bet or raise in the same round. As an example, if the first player to act bets $15 then the second player must raise a minimum of $15 (total bet of $30). Also note when using the predefined raise buttons, that the amount populated in the (Raise to) button also includes any call amount. So, when you raise half pot you are calling the previous bet and adding a half pot bet to that call.
The Raise Buttons allow the users to have pre-defined raise sizes such as 1/2 pot and 3/4 pot. The ( + ) and ( - ) buttons add one big blind or remove one big blind from the size. All Texas Holdem bet sizing rules are enforced as per a real game. As per Texas Holdem rules, a raise amount must be at least as much as the previous bet or raise in the same round. As an example, if the first player to act bets $15 then the second player must raise a minimum of $15 (total bet of $30). Also note when using the predefined raise buttons, that the amount populated in the (Raise to) button also includes any call amount. So, when you raise half pot you are calling the previous bet and adding a half pot bet to that call.
HUD Stat Definitions
HUD which stands for Heads Up Display is a component of Poker Tracking Software which most serious online Players use. By examining your own HUD Stats you can analyze strengths and weaknesses in your game.
HUD which stands for Heads Up Display is a component of Poker Tracking Software which most serious online Players use. By examining your own HUD Stats you can analyze strengths and weaknesses in your game.
VPIP - Voluntarily Put Money in the Pot
This is a percentage of how many times a player puts money into the pot preflop by limping, raising, or calling. The Blinds are not included in this stat because this bet is not voluntary as the player is forced to put money into the pot. VPIP is important because it shows how many hands someone is playing indicating if they are a tight or loose player.
This is a percentage of how many times a player puts money into the pot preflop by limping, raising, or calling. The Blinds are not included in this stat because this bet is not voluntary as the player is forced to put money into the pot. VPIP is important because it shows how many hands someone is playing indicating if they are a tight or loose player.
PFR -Preflop Raise
This is a percentage of how often this player raises preflop. This stat should be used in conjunction with the VPIP and can indicate how aggressive a player is. Someone with a very low PFR may only be raising with Aces or Kings where as someone with a very high PFR is raising any playable two cards.
This is a percentage of how often this player raises preflop. This stat should be used in conjunction with the VPIP and can indicate how aggressive a player is. Someone with a very low PFR may only be raising with Aces or Kings where as someone with a very high PFR is raising any playable two cards.
CBET - Continuation Bet
This is a percentage of how often this player continues to bet on the flop after taking the lead preflop.
This is a percentage of how often this player continues to bet on the flop after taking the lead preflop.
3BET - Three Bet
This is a percentage of how often this player 3 Bets when facing a single raise. It's considered a 3-bet when a player raises a raise.
This is a percentage of how often this player 3 Bets when facing a single raise. It's considered a 3-bet when a player raises a raise.
C3B - Called Three Bet
This is a percentage of how often a player facing a 3 Bet, calls the 3 Bet.
This is a percentage of how often a player facing a 3 Bet, calls the 3 Bet.
F3B - Fold to Three Bet
The percentage of how often a player has raised pre-flop, and then folded when another Player 3 Bets them.
The percentage of how often a player has raised pre-flop, and then folded when another Player 3 Bets them.
WTSD - Went to Showdown
The percentage of how often a player, after seeing the flop, does not fold and goes all the way to showdown.
The percentage of how often a player, after seeing the flop, does not fold and goes all the way to showdown.