The Play Great Poker Free Poker Hand Odds Calculator allows you to run any scenario from a given poker hand. The Hand Odds Calculator will calculate the odds of winning a given Texas holdem hand based on your hand, your opponent’s hand, number of opponents, and the board texture. The Calculator is a great tool to find out the poker hand details, like what were the odds of winning a given hand on any street or the odds of that bad beat you took.

The Play Great Poker Free Poker Equity Odds Calculator allows users to calculate the odds of winning a given Texas Holdem Poker hand, also known as your hand equity. Find your odds of winning as well as what are the odds or making different poker hands based on board texture and number of opponents. The Calculator will provide the percentage of time you will win or tie as well as the percentage of time you will make each hand type such as two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush etc. The calculator will calculate the odds at any point in the hand, including just on the hole cards, as well as after the flop, turn or river.