Poker Forge Training Site Review
The site is targeted at low and mid-stakes Online No Limit Texas Holdem Poker players. With extensive poker training information featuring online tools such as HUDs (Heads Up Displays) and Poker Tracking Software like Poker Tracker, this site is perfect for online players.
Poker Forge Membership Information
Members of the Poker Forge will have access to the following Poker Resources
- Detailed Learning Plan - A Roadmap for learning Online No Limit Texas Holdem Poker with action steps to help guide members through the learning process
- Master Classes - A series of courses designed to build on the most important foundational and profitable poker skills in a logical progression with each skill building on top of the previous
- Video / Audio Strategy Library - A library of Poker educational courses teaching professional poker skills. The training videos and content are all high quality and professional
- Poker Tools including quizzes, checklists, demonstrations, and hand history reviews
- Live Events such as online question and answer sessions as well as workshops providing direct feedback
- Members-only Community allowing members to help each other
- The site is updated regularly with new content