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Skills Assessment Help

Progress Report and Leak Finder

As you play and learn from the Play Great Poker's Ring Game, the Assessment Report compares your key statistics against a large sample of data from online winning players at the low stakes.

Skills Assessment Research and Metrics

The range calculations used in this Report are based on PlayGreatPoker's Research of a large sample of data for the Average Winning Player's playing online at Low Stakes 6-Player Games. As you play and learn the Skills Assessment feature compares your key statistics against these players allowing you to measure how your stats match up against these players.

Grades - Mininum Number of Hands

Grades for individual stats will be available after a minimum number of hands are reach for each stat. Stats that happen more frequently like VPIP which happens every hand will be available earlier. All grades for individual stats and the overall grade will be available after 500 hands which is the minimum for accurate results. Several thousand hands are recommended for high accuracy.

Overall Grade

The overall grade is intended to give the player an indication of how they are progressing. Some statistics happen far more frequently and are far more important for the player to be proficient. VPIP and PFR are by far the two most important stats. The overall grade is determined based on a weighted average. The most important stats have the heaviest weight in determining the overall grade. VPIP, PFR and PFR Ratio have the heaviest weight when determining the overall grade. CBetting, 3Betting and Went to Showdown are the next most important statistics. Individual positional stats don't carry the same weight per position. But combining all the positional stats carry a heavy weight and positional awareness is a skill players need to master.

Coach Advice

(Advice Feature is Available for Poker Coach Registered Users Only)

Coach Advice will be available using the Advice Button. Advice will be provided to users with details such as the importance of the stat, player proficiency, and guidance on how to improve. Along with advice users will be provided with additional helpful information targeted at each stat such as details about the stat, hand charts, and supporting videos. These details will help the user develop an action plan.

     Skills Assessment Ring Game

The Ring Game Skills Assessment Horizonal Bar Charts represent the Average Winning Player's Ranges playing online at Low Stakes 6-Player Games

   Optimal Range - The Average Range of Winning Online Players.

   Good Range - Borderline Good Range. Some Improvement may be needed.

   Possible Problem - Outside the Range of winning players. Could potentially be problematic.

Sample Skills Assessment

Ring Game Skills Assessment and Leak Finder

Disclaimer: Having statistics in these ranges does not guarantee you will be a Winning Player as there are many other factors involved.

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